We are privileged to be able to educate, encourage, empower and provide empathy to everyday Australians who need support in their families and relationships. It takes a significant amount of resources to reach our nation. The three ways you can help are:

Become a Focus Champion

Our champion program equips you with the knowledge, tools and resources to be a Champion for Focus on the Family Australia in your community, church and workplace. To extend our reach, we need your help in connecting us with your friends, leaders and associates.

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Volunteer Time and Skills

We have opportunities at our Victorian HQ and also from your own home. We are always looking for writers, prayer partners, counsellors and professionals.


We’re a donor-supported organisation and an Australian registered charity which gives you full tax deductibility. To ensure our future, we rely on the generous financial support provided by individuals, businesses & churches in the form of recurring donations, one-off donations and bequests. We trust that we’ve impacted your family life for the better and we thank you for your consideration.

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