Domestic Abuse II
God’s design for marriage never included abuse or coercive control of any kind, and all bruise or severely harm a person’s heart, mind and soul. ...
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Home » Domestic Violence
Domestic Abuse II
God’s design for marriage never included abuse or coercive control of any kind, and all bruise or severely harm a person’s heart, mind and soul. ...
Domestic Abuse I
Domestic abuse or intimate partner violence is unfortunately a reality for many Australians. In recent studies as many as 20% of the population ...
Domestic Violence II
God designed marriage and the family to be a deeply loving and tender relationship and to be the foundation of a healthy society. Unfortunately we ...
Domestic Violence I
God designed marriage and the family to be a deeply loving and tender relationship and to be the foundation of a healthy society. Unfortunately we ...
How to Help Someone in an Abusive Relationship
You may want to know how to help and support someone you love who’s in an abusive relationship. Here are several ways that can enable you to be ...
Male Abuse in Marriage? Why an Abusive Wife is No Laughing Matter
Can men experience abuse in marriage? Why is it so hard to see a man as a victim of abuse? For professional golfer Lucas Glover, abuse included being ...
Setting boundaries to create safety: Healing an emotionally abusive relationship
If emotional abuse is present in your relationship, setting boundaries is crucial. If you think your safety’s at stake, learn the steps to ...
My Wife is Physically Abusive
Question: How should I respond to a wife who has a tendency to resort to violence? Once or twice a year my spouse and I have a disagreement that ...
Why and how to pursue a healing separation
“I want a divorce.” Carol finally said the words to Ron. She had had enough. Ron was not going to continue to ignore her issues and dismiss her ...
Broken to be Beautiful
Warning – Not suitable for younger listeners. Domestic violence was part of Xenia Schembri's life for the 15 years while married to her first ...
Signs of Emotional Abuse
There are distinct differences between an unhealthy exchange and verbal or emotional abuse. Married couples need to understand and recognise the ...
How to know if you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship
Three types of emotional abuse can easily be disguised: gaslighting, retaliation and projection. Recognise when you’re in an emotionally abusive ...