How has Focus on the Family Australia impacted your life?

Whether it was a meaningful talk with one of our team that turned your marriage around, a helpful product or broadcast that provided valuable parenting tips, or a relevant article on our website that inspired you to walk more closely with God, we’d love to hear your story.

Rachel* says that her family has been strengthened to thrive:

“We did the Real Life: Real Love marriage seminar recently. It really resonated with us and has given us a new way of communicating and a new foundation to grow stronger together. Thank you!”

Your story is powerful.

And sharing your experience, just like Rachel did, will:

Encourage others to explore Focus on the Family Australia resources and strengthen their own families

Inspire people to share their stories, too

Honour God by showing His power to heal, renew and restore.

So please, share your story today!

*Name changed for privacy

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