How has Focus on the Family Australia impacted your life?
Whether it was a meaningful talk with one of our team that turned your marriage around, a helpful product or broadcast that provided valuable parenting tips, or a relevant article on our website that inspired you to walk more closely with God, we’d love to hear your story.
Rachel* says that her family has been strengthened to thrive:
“We did the Real Life: Real Love marriage seminar recently. It really resonated with us and has given us a new way of communicating and a new foundation to grow stronger together. Thank you!”
Your story is powerful.
And sharing your experience, just like Rachel did, will:
– Encourage others to explore Focus on the Family Australia resources and strengthen their own families
– Inspire people to share their stories, too
– Honour God by showing His power to heal, renew and restore.
So please, share your story today!
*Name changed for privacy