We have a number of ground-breaking, Australian developed initiatives combating relevant issues in the community. We’re currently undertaking a large transformation of all our traditional in-person training courses, moving them to an online format. If your interested in hosting a training session get in touch with us at 1300 300 361 or email [email protected].

Talking About Early Parenting

This five-part video course dives into the fundamentals of parenting 0-5 year olds.

To be an effective parent you need to invest time to get to know your child and understand why you parent the way you do.

The course is filled with easy to apply advice and resources to help parents succeed and children thrive through early childhood.

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No Apologies

No Apologies is a character-based sexual health curriculum that brings a fresh message of hope to a generation who are seeing an increasing rate of teen pregnancy, abortion, single parent households and divorce. It helps adolescents identify the harmful effects associated with premarital sexual activity.

Facilitator Training
This training provides pastors, teachers, parents, youth leaders and others with an excellent resource for use in Australia’s churches, schools and youth organisations. This one-day training will provide you with a comprehensive teaching pack, teach you foundational principles regarding sexual health education and help you develop the skills needed to present the material effectively.

Program Outline
No Apologies is a character-based sexual health curriculum and was created to help young people safely navigate the most critical decade of their lives – those years between the ages of 12 and 22. It is during these years that adolescents are confronted with choices that can sabotage their future. Young people need information and skills to guide them in their decision-making to avoid the consequences of high-risk behaviour.

This curriculum is designed to educate and empower teenagers to make good choices and to develop positive character traits in the sexual domain. These traits include respect, responsibility, integrity, courage, self-control and honesty. The No Apologies program includes effective, age-appropriate and culturally relevant activities tested in classrooms, youth groups and health departments all over the world.

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Born Survivors

Sadly suicide impacts many thousands of Australian families every year. The government and health sectors have developed programs and resources aimed at reducing suicide particularly amongst young people and there has been some success.

Nevertheless people are still taking their own lives. While no one in the academic community has advanced a good theory explaining why, we believe there’s a strong spiritual and philosophical dimension to this trend. Suicide may be due, at least in part, to the secularisation of modern society. Hopelessness, malaise, and de-sensitisation to the value of life, are part of the fallout of living in a world without purpose, without meaning and without God.

So what does the Born Survivors program offer that other suicide prevention programs don’t?

In addition to providing evidence based intervention and response strategies, Born Survivors explores some of the key elements of resilience and wellbeing, in particular the fundamental issues of identity and worth.

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Drug Proof Your Kids (DPYK)

"Alcohol and drugs are indicated in the majority of risky behaviours, injury and deaths for young people." (Risk taking by young people, Australian Social Trends, 2008, Australian Bureau of Statistics)

Aussie kids face tough choices in their teen years. Alcohol and other drugs are the number one cause of serious injury and death in young people.

Research shows that parents are the most influential factor in steering children away from drug use and alcohol. How To Drug Proof Your Kids is an evidence-based, prevention-focused program aimed at parents of 6 – 14 year old children.
Aussie kids face enormous pressures and must make critical choices in their teen years. Research shows early preparation is critical! Research also indicates that parents have the greatest influence on their kids and the choices they make.

The How to Drug Proof Your Kids® program will equip you to:

  • Shape your child’s future
  • Impact a community
  • Steer kids away from the harmful use of drugs

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