365 Life
Dr Seuss was correct when he wrote “A person’s a person no matter how small.” We need more people who can stand up for those who do not have a ...
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365 Life
Dr Seuss was correct when he wrote “A person’s a person no matter how small.” We need more people who can stand up for those who do not have a ...
Redeeming Life, Finding Forgiveness Il
As a baby in the womb, at thirty weeks old, Melissa Ohden survived a saline abortion. Melissa will share about finding and building relationships ...
Redeeming Life, Finding Forgiveness I
As a baby in the womb, at thirty weeks old, Melissa Ohden survived a saline abortion. Melissa will share about finding and building relationships ...
How to Help a Friend Who Wants an Abortion
What can you do to help guide your friend away from abortion and toward choosing life for her baby? More than you might think. If you have a ...
All Life is Valuable II
When it comes to the subject of pre-born babies there is great debate and great emotion. Part of Focus’ role is to better inform and equip our ...
All Life is Valuable I
When it comes to the subject of preborn babies there is great debate and great emotion. Part of Focus’ role is to better inform and equip our ...
Understanding a Post-Abortal Friend
Question: Why won't my friend talk about her abortion? It's obvious that she's in bad shape emotionally, and I'd like to help her. But every time ...
Scriptures Advocating for the Pre-Born
Speak up for the pre-born with over thirty key Scriptures. What does God have to say about the pre-born? Dig into over thirty Scriptures to look ...
How to Respond to an Unexpected Pregnancy
Your words matter. How you respond to someone with an unexpected pregnancy could be the difference between life and death. A few years ago, my ...
Pro-life and Pro-Choice: What does it mean?
In this article, we outline the pro-life and pro-choice meanings, equipping you with enough knowledge to make a confident decision. ...
Parenting a Child with Down Syndrome
In 2005, Shauna Amick was surprised to learn during her third pregnancy that her child would have Down Syndrome and a life-threatening heart defect. ...
What Fathers do for Sons
When fathers take the time to build relationships with their sons, they help them develop their identity, confidence and perseverance They Help Them ...