Casting a Vision of Manhood
Traditionally God’s design of sexuality has been presented as a list of dos and don’ts – especially the don’ts. The story of God’s design ...
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Home » Sexuality
Casting a Vision of Manhood
Traditionally God’s design of sexuality has been presented as a list of dos and don’ts – especially the don’ts. The story of God’s design ...
Husband wants Information about Sexual Intimacy During Menopause
Question: Does menopause have to spell the end of physical intimacy in a marriage? My wife is going through what our mother's generation called ...
Wife wants Information about Sexual Intimacy during Menopause
Question: How can I expect menopause to affect my sexual relationship with my husband? I've just started to experience irregular periods, hot ...
Facets of Love in the Song of Songs
We humans love to talk about love. We love to sing about it, write about it, laugh about it, cry about it. Through the ages, our stories, songs, ...
The Chat
If your child were in trouble, they’d come to you and ask for help, wouldn’t they? But what if they just couldn’t talk about it. Our guest ...
What’s the Purpose of Sexuality if I’m Single?
It’s not just about sex. Your sexuality has spiritual and relational significance. For many Christians, the extent of their biblical sex ...
Living as Sons of Issachar
“The man who is content to sit ignorantly by his own fireside, wrapped up in his own private affairs, and has no public eye for what is going on ...
Discipled By the Word or the World About Sex?
I eagerly answered the phone when I saw my pastor friend calling. After catching up for a minute, he got to why he had called: “My church is ...
God’s Design for Sex and Why it Matters
Learn how to share Jesus' love with those who've experienced the pain of sexual brokenness! Slattery places our sexuality in the broader context of ...
The Joys and Struggles of Parenting
Watch now on FamilyCast!
The Consequences of Teen Sexting
Learning about sexting involving your teenager can seem frightening and overwhelming. Read more to discover some of the dangers surrounding sexting, ...
Parent concerned about teen masturbation
Question How should parents approach an adolescent who is involved in sexual self-gratification? Without going into details, I can tell you that I ...