When Helping our Kids doesn’t Help
Sometimes letting kids make mistakes can be the best help a parent can give. I was doing research for a book I was writing, If I Had a ...
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Home » Siblings
When Helping our Kids doesn’t Help
Sometimes letting kids make mistakes can be the best help a parent can give. I was doing research for a book I was writing, If I Had a ...
Encouraging siblings to get along
Our twins, born just two minutes apart, have looked identical their whole lives. And yet in every other way — from preferences to personalities — ...
Bullying in the family
Question: Do you have any ideas on how to stop my older kids from picking on their younger brother? I intervene when I can, but all this bullying is ...
Defusing sibling rivalry with love
Question: How do we discourage sibling rivalry and introduce a more loving and cooperative atmosphere into our home? I know this behaviour is normal ...
Remembering your other children while parenting a prodigal
I remember when my wife and I had to face the fact that our oldest son was a drug addict. We had been struggling with him for years, but things had ...