Family is where your heart is…….
What do you think when you hear the word "family”? Family can envisage many different experiences and emotions. Some pleasant, but for some, it is the opposite. Unfortunately, family of origin can play a significant role in the health and well-being of someone’s long-term relationships and their parenting. I don’t think people want to fail in their role as a spouse or parent intentionally, but they have not had the opportunity to be role modelled a healthy one.
So where do we start? How can we create a new legacy or develop an already healthy family and make it even stronger?
Be informed
We take professional development days to improve our career; we should apply some of these principles when it comes to marriage and parenting. Read, listen and glean from others to better equip yourself in your role as wife, husband, mother or father.
Be involved
We should all become a student of our spouse and kids to discover what they are interested in, what makes them tick and what fills their tank to feel loved? By being actively involved in their world, it shows value, appreciation and avoids you taking them for granted.
Be intentional
Healthy families don’t just happen, it requires work and making an effort. One of the greatest joys in life is serving others, what better place to start is your family? How can you bring out the best in your spouse and children and how can you serve them?
There are no perfect families. We are imperfect individuals and all fallen short of our ideal. So stop aiming for perfection or comparing yourself with others. The best thing you can do is keep the mirror close to your face and ask yourself, ‘what can I do better for the health and well-being of my family?. If we all looked after our backyard, the picture of someone’s family could look a whole lot brighter.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34