Dads often get a bad rap in our modern culture, don’t they?

Most of the dads you see on TV or in movies are negligent or flat out destructive, tearing their families apart.

At best they’re bumbling buffoons who can barely take care of themselves, let alone their kids and their families. Homer Simpson, anyone?

But… is that the truth for dads these days?

Well, you’ll be happy to hear that many more Australian dads and father figures have new opportunities to learn, grow, and truly lead their families to thrive – thanks to friends like you!

Through tools like Focus on the Family Australia’s new ‘Dad’s Tool Kit’, Australian dads are getting the support and resources they need to connect with their kids, identify their own strengths as fathers, and build loving, thriving families.

The truth is that fathers are so important to their children and their family.

Boys and girls need their dads. A daughter’s sense of self is closely tied to her relationship with her father. A son learns how it’s done from his dad.

So, dads, your kids need you. Don’t give up!

Keep showing up for your family. Keep giving it your best. And you know what? Your best is more than enough.

As Darren* shared recently, you never know when your prayers and hard work will pay off. He said:

“I’ve had an estranged relationship with my firstborn son for years. I wanted to reconcile but nothing I tried worked; my heart was broken.

“Earlier this week, I listened to your advice on communicating with an estranged child, then followed it almost to the letter.

“Last night I received an 80-minute phone call from my son, and now have hope of more communication. Thank you!”

What an encouraging breakthrough… and it happened because friends like you made it possible for Darren to find the support and advice he needed.

So if you’re a dad, be encouraged. You’re doing great, despite the Homer Simpson stereotypes. Keep doing all you can to help your family thrive!

And if you’re not a dad but you have a father figure in your life, whether that’s your own father, your husband or partner, your son, or your neighbour… take a moment today to build him up! A quick phone call or text message of encouragement can be all it takes to make a difference.

If you get an opportunity, point him to encouraging advice and practical resources to help him thrive.

Because Australian dads need your help to build strong spiritual connections to raise compassionate, resilient children!

Above all, this Father’s Day, remember that fatherhood is a lifelong adventure. Keep learning, keep trying… and keep encouraging the dads around you.

And happy Father’s Day!

Focus on the Family Australia

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