Pastor Eugene Cho’s the author of the book, "Overrated: Are We More in Love with the Idea of Changing the World Than Actually Changing the World?" Eugene shares transparently about his struggle of learning how to "walk his talk." He describes growing up as an immigrant family in the San Francisco area and the tenacity he learned from his parents. Eugene goes on to talk about the big dream God placed in his heart to start a church, but then having his dream thwarted by a season of unemployment, followed by underemployment. However, God was at work in his life, teaching him life lessons in this process.

Eugene shares about eventually becoming a pastor, taking a mission trip to Burma and being convicted to help alleviate global poverty. He and his wife, Minhee, started a non-profit, secular organisation, One Day’s Wages. They themselves committed to giving a full year’s salary over the course of three years to get this organisation launched and they describe the challenges of keeping that commitment and the blessings that arose as a result.

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