When the countdown to Christmas starts, some kids excitedly open the numbered doors of Advent calendars as they await the celebration of Jesus’ birth. These fun calendars, based on a centuries-old German tradition, are among the most popular traditions. But many other well-loved traditions also have sprung up around this sacred season. Vibrant and rich, these traditions are tangible reminders of profound Christian truths, helping families to focus on Christ throughout the holiday season.

Advent, which begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, is a time devoted to waiting, as believers anticipate the hope that comes in the form of a Saviour. The name Advent is derived from the Latin word adventus, which means “arrival.” This season anticipates the arrival of Christ! Advent not only looks back to the birth of Christ more than 2,000 years earlier, it also remembers Christ’s presence here with us now, and it anticipates His promised return.

Our fun, easy-to-use Advent calendar offers you a wonderful opportunity to make Christ the centre of your Christmas celebration.

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