Breaking Bad Habits in Your Life II
Debra Fileta wants to help people experience change in healthy ways. She warns about the typical pattern of changing a few externals in our lives ...
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Breaking Bad Habits in Your Life II
Debra Fileta wants to help people experience change in healthy ways. She warns about the typical pattern of changing a few externals in our lives ...
Breaking Bad Habits in Your Life I
Debra Fileta wants to help people experience change in healthy ways. She warns about the typical pattern of changing a few externals in our lives ...
Showing Your Child Their True Worth
Peter Mutabazi shares his journey from street kid to foster dad. As a young kid on the streets of Kampala, Uganda, Peter’s life changed when one ...
Understanding Abuse
Too often, abuse continues because the victim does not feel empowered enough to use their voice. At Focus on the Family, our desire is to follow ...
The Reactive Cycle
Someone just "pushed your buttons" and you're ready to push back. That's the Reactive Cycle. But is there a better way to handle conflict? ...
How boundaries with your extended family can improve your marriage
Recently my daughter got engaged. As the wedding plans started to proceed, confusion escalated over how to meet the expectations and accommodate the ...
Raising Godly Men Out of a Toxic Culture
In spite of the conflicting messages our boys are getting about masculinity, you can raise your son to be a godly man. If you are raising a boy ...
When your Spouse Struggles with past Trauma
A spouse can bring pain, triggers and irrational responses to a marriage when he or she has experienced trauma that’s unresolved. But with love ...
Defining and Understanding Trauma
Not all traumatic experiences are equal, but the way the body reacts to trauma is similar in every situation. Two broad categories might be called ...
Understanding and Coping with Trauma
Trauma often results in physical injury such as broken bones or other injuries, causing sudden incapacitation and loss of the ability to respond or ...
Understanding and Navigating Addiction
While there are no simple answers to an issue as complex as addiction, we at Focus on the FamilyAustralia want to provide you with tools, resources ...
Choose to Forgive