Love in the Midst of Alzheimer’s
Muriel began repeating her stories without realising it. Alzheimer’s disease had begun its insidious attack and would ultimately take over her ...
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Love in the Midst of Alzheimer’s
Muriel began repeating her stories without realising it. Alzheimer’s disease had begun its insidious attack and would ultimately take over her ...
Parenting in the Midst of Tragedy
When a child witnesses or experiences a tragedy, your guidance and input as a parent is crucial to the level of recovery that will occur. Keep in ...
Understanding and Coping with Trauma
Trauma often results in physical injury such as broken bones or other injuries, causing sudden incapacitation and loss of the ability to respond or ...
Bible Verses about Death and End of Life
Knowing Bible verses about death and pain, as well as how we should respond to each, can help us better serve those facing end of life hardships. ...
What to say to someone who’s dying
We may never feel fully equipped to handle death, even as believers looking forward to our heavenly destination. However, like any other challenge, ...
When you lose a spouse
Losses are not rated on a continuum, but for those who have been blessed with a loving, healthy marriage, losing a spouse is perhaps the deepest loss ...
When your spouse goes through a faith crisis
Bzzzdt. Carrie Oliver’s pager buzzed again, and I smiled inwardly. For me, the vibration was the most beautiful sound imaginable. Carrie and her ...
Moving Forward: Dealing with Grief
Grieving the death of a loved one is an individual process. Some caregivers initially feel numb and disoriented, then endure pangs of yearning for ...
Did Mummy paint the sky?
The sunset was as brilliant as any I’d ever seen. Hues of red and gold blazed above the mountains as the light faded. I pulled the car to a stop to ...
Widowed: What To Do When
Mental-health experts estimate it takes about two years for a widow or widower to absorb what has happened and be capable of making major decisions ...