"We just drifted apart."
So many couples cite this as the reason for their divorce that you might think it’s inevitable. Is it? If not, how can you prevent it?
Robin admits that she and her husband, Tony, are drifting apart. "We have different interests now. He’s immersed in his work, and I’m at home all day with our three sons. I gave up my career to raise a family while Tony gets promotions. When Tony gets home, he has nothing left for me. He doesn’t really love me."
Many couples seem to feel marriage is like selecting the right plane—and then putting it on autopilot. That’s a good way to ensure that spouses eventually drift apart.
Here’s how it often works: One partner is satisfied with the relationship as it is, but the other’s needs are overlooked. In the case of Robin and Tony, Tony has been the mostly happy one. He has a beautiful wife, three great kids, a relationship with the Lord, and a job he enjoys. He’s seen himself as having made the right choices—so from now on, it’s smooth sailing. Autopilot has seemed to work for him.
Robin, on the other hand, is wondering whether she made the right choice of "plane." She needs more of Tony’s presence to feel valued.
In a bid for Tony’s attention, Robin has started distancing herself from him. His reaction is to feel inadequate, disappointed in himself that he can’t make his wife happy, unworthy of her love, and confused. He’s thinking, What am I doing wrong?
The result: Their relationship feels empty. They’re drifting apart.
Robin and Tony need to understand that marriage is a growing, living relationship that needs nurturing. Before nurturing can be accepted, though, both partners have to be willing to take responsibility for their feelings and behaviours.
Using "straight talk" to acknowledge emotions without blaming can lead to resolving conflict. Robin could start the process by saying something like, "Tony, when I’ve had little adult conversation all day, I really need to talk with you."
Is this statement blaming? No. Is it clear what she needs? Yes. This will prevent defensiveness, contempt, and withdrawal.
Robin also can set the stage for solving the problem by putting the kids on a schedule that allows her "alone time" with Tony. The degree of closeness in a marriage reflects the overall climate in a home, and "climate control" takes spending time together.
Robin needs to know how to handle her resentment, too. When thoughts like He doesn’t really love me arise, what should she do?
When such a thought strolls into the entryway of her mind, it doesn’t belong to her yet; she doesn’t have to feel guilty about it. But when she "camps on" this resentful thought instead of analysing and rejecting it, it takes on a life of its own. She accepts ownership and buys into deception. She allows the thought to keep her from respectfully telling Tony what she’s experiencing.
There’s hope for Robin and Tony. They’re both Christians who take their relationship with God seriously, and have been asking Him what to do about drifting apart. With His leading, they’re working on making changes like these:
- becoming better listeners
- taking responsibility for their actions and feelings
- avoiding blaming
- being more affectionate and considerate
- becoming partners in parenting
- respecting each other’s differences
- supporting each other in extended family conflicts
- praying individually and as a couple
- journaling their feelings individually to their heavenly Father
- placing a priority on time together
- submitting to God as their authority
- being proactive by creating a plan
There are as many reasons for drifting apart as there are marriages. But the way to prevent that drift begins with a single step: taking yourself off autopilot.