Ever hear yourself saying “I’ll do it tomorrow”? Thinking that if we put it off another day it gives us more time – and the next day you say ...
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Ever hear yourself saying “I’ll do it tomorrow”? Thinking that if we put it off another day it gives us more time – and the next day you say ...
Screen Time: Less is More
Screens…they’re everywhere! In fact, you’re using one right now. Here’s an important question: are the screens that you’re using improving ...
Brothers, Take (and Enjoy) Your Holiday Time
I remember the first time I took a few weeks off as a Lead Pastor. I almost felt guilty. We were a small church. I had been there about a year, and ...
To Vape or Not to Vape — Is That the Question?
What should you do if your kids have been vaping? Learn all you can about it and then start the conversation with them. If you ask kids in ...
Having a Kingdom Mindset in Our Walk with God I
Dr. Tony Evans will challenge you to be disciplined in your daily walk and grow as a kingdom citizen to reach a lost culture with the ultimate hope. ...
God-Honouring Money Habits for Kids
Matt Bell explains how parents can teach their children to budget, tithe, save, invest and serve with the money they have at an age-appropriate ...
Understanding and Navigating Addiction
While there are no simple answers to an issue as complex as addiction, we at Focus on the FamilyAustralia want to provide you with tools, resources ...
7 Days of Gratitude
We serve an extravagantly generous God. Through the sacrifice of his son, he has secured for us nothing less than eternal life! And we are guaranteed ...
Think before you speak
Be a Promise Keeper
Electronic Overload